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100 Non-Food Survival Items To Store Now

Closeup of Fire Extinguisher

Do you sometimes wonder what non-food survival items to store? I’m trying to put lists together for you that you can print off and then check off the ones you have or the ones you need to purchase. I decided to update this post today for some people who have not seen it. As a prepper, I’ve always stressed the need for bug-out bags or 72-hour kits, and those are nice for short-term challenges. We also need to think of longer-term issues and how we’ll deal with those. Where I buy my garden seeds: SeedsNow

Sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming to think about all the emergency preparedness stuff we need to have stockpiled. Well, let’s make this easy for you. I’m not going to address how many gallons of water you need or food storage items to stockpile because today it’s only about non-food survival items. The first time I posted this article I believe was in 2021. We must continue to stock up on those things that may be in short supply sooner than later. Note the word “now” in the title. Yes, now is the time!

100 Non-Food Survival Items To Store Now

We All Need to be Prepared

Here’s the deal, if you have an unforeseen emergency hit your community, lose income, become sick, or face other emergencies, if prepared, you can walk into your pantry and fix any meal you want to prepare. It all comes down to whether you’ve planned and set aside the foods you know your family will eat.

You’ll also have the other non-food items critical for your survival. You’ll have the toilet paper you need, the pasta or beans to stretch your budget. The key here is to be prepared before you need these items.

Everyone has different budgets, so I want you to realize you don’t have to go out and buy all of this today. No, you pick up a few extra items every time you go to the grocery store.

My motto is “one can at a time,” or one package of toilet paper each shopping day. If you haven’t purchased my book you may want to have it in your hands to be prepared for the next disaster. “Prepare Your Family For Survival” by Linda Loosli

100 Non-Food Survival Items To Store Now

Emergency Binder

Here is my emergency binder FREE printable Emergency Binder I printed mine on cardstock.

This binder includes the important documents that you’ll need if you can’t get to your safety deposit box or home safe.

Pictures of family and pets (you need at least two pictures in case you need to post one picture on a “Missing Board”), birth certificates, home and car titles, and so much more. Check it out!

First Aid Supplies

When it comes to emergency preparedness, the safety and well-being of family members become paramount. Having the right things so you can perform first aid, or just address a minor scrape or injury, makes all the difference. Most of us have at least a small first aid kit, but here are items to consider having stored to really cover the bases in a survival situation:

  1. Thermometer DIGITAL thermometer or REGULAR thermometer
  2. Bag Balm
  3. Shea Butter (thank you, Janet)
  4. Chapstick
  5. Isopropyl alcohol
  6. Hydrogen Peroxide
  7. Aspercreme
  8. Painkillers
  9. Fever reducers
  10. Cough syrup
  11. Anti-diarrhea medicine
  12. Medical scissors
  13. Cotton balls and Q-tips
  14. Bandaids
  15. Neosporin
  16. Gauze
  17. Non-latex gloves
  18. Splints
  19. N-95 masks
  20. Burn Salve
  21. Cough lozenges
  22. Silver
  23. Essential Oils
  24. Medical Handbook-a hard copy  Medical Handbook
  25. Prescription medications you take regularly
  26. Peppermint in capsules (for tummy aches)
  27. Antacids like Tums or Rolaids
  28. Activated Charcoal, This is the one I bought: Activated Charcoal. In case you missed this post, Top 10 Uses of Activated Charcoal for Prepping
  29. Safety Pins, all sizes
  30. Hot Water Bottle

Personal Hygiene

It’s hard enough to deal with emergencies in the best of circumstances. Having some semblance of normalcy is important, not only for your safety and comfort but to help give you confidence and peace as you deal with the challenges around you. Having these personal hygiene items adds that special level of preparation to keep you clean and confident:

  1. Shaving cream
  2. Razors
  3. Tweezers, with a pointed edge for splinters
  4. Hand sanitizer
  5. Bars of handsoap
  6. Deodorant
  7. Shampoo
  8. Conditioner
  9. Brushes
  10. Combs
  11. Toilet paper
  12. Menstrual pads and other feminine hygiene products
  13. Dental floss
  14. Condoms
  15. Adult diapers
  16. Disposable adult underwear
  17. Feminine wash
  18. Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  19. Insect repellant and spray to kill bugs
  20. Shoe laces
  21. Hats for various seasons

Please note: you may want to put some baggies together with some personal hygiene products that you’re ready to barter with or share with people in the shelters. Trust me, they don’t have all the frills for people in the shelters. I have readers telling me this based on their personal experiences.

100 Non-Food Survival Items To Store Now

Baby-Toddler Items

Many of us are past the baby stage, but for those of you with toddlers around, the following items for the little one will make all the difference during emergencies. You may want to store some in case family members visit and find they forgot an item or two, or you may feel the desire to be prepared in case you need to help your neighbors who have children:

  1. Baby wipes
  2. Diaper rash ointment
  3. Disposable diapers
  4. Cloth diapers
  5. Diaper pins
  6. Cloth diaper holders (rubber pants)

Kitchen Supplies

We spend so much of our time in the kitchen. I’ve always felt it’s the most important room in my house. We all must eat, and having the proper materials and “tools of the trade” to fix meals is especially important during an emergency. Read through the list and ask yourself, “Can I do without any of these things?”

  1. Paper towels – cleaning supplies
  2. Straws
  3. Paper plates
  4. Paper cups
  5. Plastic silverware – plastic utensils of all kinds
  6. Kitchen sink soap
  7. Dishrags – chlorine bleach
  8. Dishtowels
  9. Hot pads
  10. Soup Pot
  11. Griddle
  12. Cast iron frying pan
  13. Cast iron Dutch oven
  14. Matches (waterproof or regular)
  15. Pinecones (fuel source for fires)
  16. Lump Charcoal (also a fuel source)
  17. Briquettes, please store your briquettes without lighter fluid in air-tight containers, they will last indefinitely.
  18. Propane fuel
  19. Butane Stove
  20. Butane fuel
  21. A Thermos for hot drinks. Just add hot water and a tea bag. 40-ounce Thermos or 16-ounce Thermos
  22. We also need to consider alternate cooking devices in case our power goes out or we run out of fuel. I like the SunOven product if you live where the sun tends to shine most of the time.

Pet Supplies

Mark and I have had dogs from very early in our marriage. They provide companionship and love all the time. I think they are especially supportive in times of emotional need. Be sure to have things that will make their lives safe and comfortable when an emergency affects your family.

Put your pet vaccination printout in a folder, you will need to show proof of vaccinations to go to some shelters. Keep in mind, most shelters will not accept animals, so make a plan that includes who you can live with. Yes, they may accept support animals. Most pet boarding facilities require proof of all state-required vaccinations.

  1. Collars
  2. Harnesses
  3. Leashes
  4. Pet dishes
  5. Poop bags
  6. Crates
  7. Pee pads
  8. Blankets
  9. Extra pet food

Miscellaneous Items

These items may not be used every day in your household, but they can sure come in handy during an emergency. There may be some that you feel are “overkill,” but be sure to think about the various challenges you could face and what you would need then:

  1. Large black garbage bags
  2. Kitty litter
  3. Emergency washing machine-Linda’s Emergency Washing Machines
  4. Emergency toilet-Linda’s Emergency Toilet Article
  5. Clothesline
  6. Clothespins
  7. I put together a portable kitchen in case I have to evacuate. Linda’s Portable Emergency Kitchen
  8. Rope/Paracord
  9. Ax
  10. Chainsaw or manual saw
  11. Knives
  12. Multi-task knives or tools
  13. Hand Toolsn – nails – screws
  14. Shovels
  15. Garden Tools
  16. Tent
  17. Small pieces of lumber to help make a shelter if needed
  18. Sewing Machine and/or sewing supplies such as thread, needles, and scissors.
  19. Colored Tape, red means needs immediate help, yellow means delay/not immediate, green means they are ok to wait for assistance, and black means death. Duct tape always comes in handy too.
  20. Chalk
  21. Fire Extinguisher
  22. Compass
  23. Flashlights and lanterns – solar or battery powered – extra batteries
  24. Phone Charger
  25. Hand-crank radio
  26. Water filter systems with extra filters
  27. CASH (small bills) – If we lose power cash talks and credit or debit cards will not work if the ATMs are shut down.
  28. Can openers, one is none two is one. In other words, have more than one.
  29. Gorilla Tape

Final Word

Sometimes we have to see these non-food survival items many times before it clicks in our head that, oh, I need this or that. I want you to think of the many things you may use every day, or just occasionally, that you would miss during an emergency.

What if you can’t leave your home for days, weeks, or maybe even months? Do you have some fever-reducing medication if you need it today?

What about a bad headache, do you have what you need in your home this very minute to get rid of the pain?

Each of us and our families have different needs. Please read through this list and consider, under each category, what may be different for your family and then add it to the list, or even delete it when it doesn’t apply to you. Thanks for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Emergency Items: AdobeStock_183207327 by Alexander, Travel Kit Emergency Supplies Depositphotos_377504972_S, Closeup of Fire Extinguisher AdobeStock_703042267 By Justlight,

The post 100 Non-Food Survival Items To Store Now appeared first on Food Storage Moms.

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